Directed Homework
Homework at Waterfoot aims to encourage our pupils to consolidate and practice key maths and English skills that have been taught in the classroom. It often comprises of daily home reading, weekly spellings and a weekly maths task. Our optional half termly topic homework aims to promote valuable life skills which are based on our school values and also aims to develop our children's independence and physical and mental wellbeing. We also have a voluntary Waterfoot Badge scheme to encourage children's interests and hobbies and nurture our pupils' talents.
We use a range of online platforms to engage children in their home learning such as:
Sumdog, Numbots and TT Rockstars for maths and Spelling Shed, Bug Club and Accelerated Reader for English.
For further information please see our parent guides below and our homework policy, which can be found in the Key Information - Policies section of the website.