We have year 3 and year 4 students in our class. We love learning and having fun!
We are lucky to have lots of adults in our class.
Class teachers
- Miss Lorgat or Mrs Francis on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mrs Shorrock Thursday and Friday
Other adults in our class our Miss Nisa, Miss Pickles and Mrs Belshaw
Spelling homework and maths homework are set each week on a Wednesday on our online platforms of Ed Shed and Sumdog.
We encourage children to read at home as often as possible. Please get an adult to sign your book when you read so that you can earn raffle tickets and extra playtime.
We also encourage children to play on TT Rockstars as often as possible.
Our PE days are Monday and Friday. Please ensure that children are in their active uniform on these days, with long hair tied back and earings taped or removed. Children may also need a coat for any wet weather.
Take your reading folder home each evening and return it to school the following day. Reading books are stored in the blue box, you must put it here to earn a raffle ticket. If you need to do a reading quiz, pop your name on the list and inform an adult.
We come into school quietly and calmly and get on with our morning task which is often handwriting or times tables.
Spellings are on a Monday.
Times table quiz on Tuesday
Always be prepared for the weather!
We have lots of rewards.
Reading - a certificate is awarded each week for our reader of the week. Raffle tickets are awarded each time your book is signed and 3 reads equals extra playtime. We have a raffle prize draw on Friday.
Each week one child is chosen as our book winner. This child gets to choose a new book. This award is for effort with reading at home or at school.
Each week we have a TT Rockstar champion. for fantastic effort learning times tables.
Special certificates are also awarded in a Friday assembly for our class superstars!
We had a great time celebrating World Mental Health Day. We dressed in yellow to raise money for 'Young Minds' and enjoyed lots of fun activities.
We created worry monsters, participated in some chair yoga and enjoyed some dancing and doodling.
Diwali Day
We have had a great time celebrating Diwali. We have learned about the festival and shared the the story of Rama and Sita. We have made some Rangoli patterns using the quilling technique and even enjoyed some Diwali dancing.
Happy Diwali

plague day
We have been learning all about the plague. We had a great time making posies and our own plague doctor masks.

Today we enjoyed wearing odd socks and writing our own acrostic poem based on the them respect.
Rock star day!
We enjoyed dressing up as rock stars and taking part in lots of maths themed activities to raise money for the NSPCC.