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At Waterfoot Primary School, our outdoor learning sessions provide educational experiences that offers children the opportunity to succeed and develop confidence, resilience, responsibility, independence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a woodland environment. Our children engage in motivating and achievable activities throughout the year and in almost all weathers. Skills are progressive and activities are carefully planned into our curriculum. Children work with tools, play, learn and begin to understand the boundaries of behaviour, both physical and social in the outdoors.


Building shelters

Maple class have been building different types of shelter on large and smaller scales. They have created lean-to structures then developed our skills further creating tripod structures. Maple have also been learning to tie knots - such as a timberhitch and a tension knot - when building shelters using paracord and tarps. And after all that hard work, there's nothing better than a nice warm drink of hot chocolate back at basecamp!