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Chestnut class is a mix of Year 1 and Year 2 children who love to learn and play.



Our class teacher is Mrs Heys and our wonderful teaching assistant is Miss Hindle. We also have Mrs Matthews who supports the children in Chestnut class.


Your child will have multiple login details in the front of their reading diary. 



Please support your child by helping them to bring their reading book and diary daily. All children will have a yellow reading bookmark, which gives examples of questions you could ask whilst your child is reading. Reading books are changed on Mondays and Fridays (if your child has finished their book and needs it changing, please encourage them to let us know).

Your child will also have a 'Reading Trail' in the front of their diary. Certificates and rewards are given for completed reading trails. Please have a go at the different challenges. The local libraries have lots of books which your child can borrow for free and they often hold their own reading challenges for children as well. We also have lots of lovely books in school which your child is welcome to borrow.

Every time your child reads at home they will be awarded with raffle tickets and entered into our weekly raffle prize draw!

Waterfoot Primary School Badge Scheme- Your children are able to choose a badge project to take part in at any point during the year. The badge information is available near our school office. Children can complete and take part in as many badges as they wish. There are a variety of badges linked with many different themes. Have fun!

Topic Homework

Topic homework grids are sent out each half term. Please support your child by helping them complete some of the fun activities. They can bring in photographs or models to school to show us in class. You could also email the office with any photographs and we will look at them in class. All children will be awarded with house points and raffle tickets. Have fun!

Topic Homework Grids

Autumn 1KS1 - KS1 autumn 1 24-25.pdf - All Documents (sharepoint.com)

Autumn 2:


We have outdoor PE on Mondays and indoor PE on Wednesdays. Please make sure your child comes to school wearing their active uniform on our PE days.  Refer to the Uniform Policy if you are unsure.


Mornings in Key Stage 1- Year 1 children are taught English and Maths by Mrs. Ginty or Mrs. Heys. Year 2 children are taught by Mrs Evans and Mrs Buckle.


Class rewards are on a Friday.

Every time your child reads at home they will be awarded with raffle tickets and entered into our weekly raffle prize draw!

We celebrate the housepoint champion, Numbots superstars and we also have a star of the week. 

On a Friday: Certificate Assembly - Superstar Award, English or Maths Award.

Autumn walk - 4.10.24

We went on a walk through our wonderful woodland area to spot some signs of Autumn. We found brown, red and yellow leaves, berries and twigs. We noticed that the weather felt cooler and that we needed to wear our coats! Some of the children collected some items from the woods and enjoyed crafting with them when we got back to class.