Hello and Welcome to our Cherry Class webpage. We are a wonderful class of mixed year 1 and year 2 children. We hope you enjoy looking at our webpage and finding out about the things we have been learning about over the year.
Our class teacher is Mrs. Evans.
Our teaching assistant is Miss. Suleman
Mrs. Atkin teaches Cherry Class on Friday afternoons.
If you have any questions please feel free to pop and see us at the classroom door or leave a message with the office and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Thank you.
Here are some links to online learning platforms which you might like to use at home to help support your child's learning, some of which we use in class:
Maths: Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (topmarks.co.uk)
English and Maths activities: ictgames || Teaching Tools: Tools for teaching
Phonics/ Spelling: Letters and Sounds, English Games for 5-7 Years - Topmarks
Mixed: Bitesize primary games - BBC Bitesize
Read, Write, Rap: Zog 🐲 | MC Grammar 🎤 | Educational Rap Songs for Kids 🎵 (youtube.com
Lots of our weekly homework will need to be completed online. We will support children who are unable to access this at home. Your child will have a copy of their login details in the front of their reading diary. If you are unsure about any of these, please pop in for a chat.
- TT Rockstars (Year 2) Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (ttrockstars.com)
- Numbots (Maths Year 1 and 2) NumBots | Motivational maths practice for schools and families.
In Cherry class, we love to read! Please support your child by helping them to bring their reading book and diary every single day. All children will have a yellow reading bookmark, which gives examples of questions you could ask whilst your child is reading. This encourages them to gain confidence with comprehension and retrieval. Books will be checked and changed on Mondays and Fridays (if your child has finished their book and needs it changing, please encourage them to let us know).
Your child will also have a 'Reading Trail' in the front of their diary. Certificates and rewards are given for completed reading trails. Please have a go at the different challenges. The local libraries have lots of books which your child can borrow for free and they often hold their own reading challenges for children as well. We also have lots of lovely books in school which your child is welcome to borrow.
Every time your child reads at home they will be awarded with raffle tickets and entered into our weekly raffle prize draw!
- Bug Club to support reading ActiveLearn: Login (activelearnprimary.co.uk)
Waterfoot Primary School Badge Scheme- Your children are able to choose a badge project to take part in at any point during the year. The badge information is available near our school office. Children can complete and take part in as many badges as they wish. There are a variety of badges linked with many different themes. Have fun!
Topic Homework
Each half term, a topic homework grid is sent out within each key stage. You can also view an online version from this webpage. Please support your child by helping them complete some of the fun activities. They can bring in photographs or models to school to show us in class. You could also email the office with any photographs and we will look at them in class. All children will be awarded with house points and raffle tickets. Have fun!
Topic Homework Grids
Autumn 1: KS1 - KS1 autumn 1 24-25.pdf - All Documents (sharepoint.com)
Autumn 2:
Spring 1: (See below)
Please make sure your child comes to school wearing their active uniform on our PE days. Refer to the Uniform Policy if you are unsure.
Tuesday: Outdoor PE. During colder weather, your child will be able to wear a coat, hat/ scarf/ gloves.
Wednesday: Indoor PE
It is very important that your child is able to dress themselves and fasten their own shoes/ shoe laces and coats. Please encourage your child to become independent and support them as they master these essential life skills.
You must make sure that clothes, coats and all footwear has your child's name inside. Thank you.
Please encourage your children to come into school independently. It may seem particularly hard for the year 1's at first, but they are doing really well and once in class they are happy and settled. Children are awarded house points, raffle tickets and stickers for showing independence. We have wonderful and experienced year 2's to help support the year 1's as they adjust to life in key stage 1.
Mornings in Key Stage 1- Year 1 children are taught English and Maths by Mrs. Ginty or Mrs. Heys. Year 2 children remain in Cherry Class.
- 'My Happy Mind' class assembly
- Cherry Class Show and Tell (Cherry class are allowed to bring something in to show us or they can just tell us something interesting. This must be something which links to our topics or something interesting which they may have found during the weekend, on a walk or from the holidays. This helps the children to gain confidence when speaking in front of others and encourages them to be a good listener when others are speaking.)
- Numbots/ TT Rockstars Awards
Wednesday: Computing
Friday: Whole school celebration assembly. Cherry Class raffle prize draw and awards.
Recognition Board- In class children work hard to get on the class recognition board. Each week the children agree on a class target which links with our school values.
Respect, Responsibility and Be Ready!
House Points- Your child will be in one of our wonderful House Point teams (Badger, Heron, Deer or Fox). Each weeek a house point team will be awarded the whole school trophy in assembly and a class winner will also be chosen from the class house point chart. They will be able to wear a badge for the following week (please return by Friday at the end of the week).
Reading Raffle- Raffle tickets will be drawn on Fridays. Children earn raffle tickets by reading at home and by bringing their reading book to school every day!
Star of the Week- Cherry class celebrate the star of the week by singing a fab song and sitting in a circle to recognise wonderful things about our weekly star! Every child who recieves star of the week also is rewarded with a Cherry class medal.
Cherry Class Kindness Award- One child is awarded with a medal and recognition for kindness from the previous week.
Numbots/ TT Rockstars- Certificates will be awarded weekly during a mini class award ceremony.
Autumn Term 1 2024- September Fun 🧡
Our year 1's are settling brilliantly into key stage 1 and our year 2's are being very responsible and kind in helping the year 1's adjust to life in Cherry class. Here are a few photographs where we have been making new friends and working collaboratively in our class provision areas.
Autumn Outdoor Learning
We have been observing the changes in the seasons. We went out into our school grounds spotting the signs and colours of Autumn. Elise and Alex also created some beautiful Autumn nature art as part of their topic homework. Others in our class have been bringing in beautiful Autumn treasures for us to study on our Science table.
This term we are learning all about the history of Castles. We looked at some amazing artefacts from the museum loan which arrived in school. We felt them and drew each object. We have also learnt about the story of the first ever castles from The Bayeux Tapestry in 1066.
Motte and Bailey Castles Challenge
We worked in groups to create a model of the first type of castles called a Motte and Bailey. We learnt about the way they were built and we then used loose parts to create our own models. What do you think?
Year 2 Fire Safety Talk
Year 2 were visited by our local firefighters. They learnt how to be safe if there was a fire in their own home. They learnt about the importance of asking their families to check that all their fire alarms are working properly and how to discuss a fire plan. Please ask your year 2 children to tell you what they learnt.
Autumn Term Homework
Look at the amazing things which Cherry class have been doing at home this term.....
Mental Health Awareness Wear Yellow Day
Cherry class looked wonderful in their yellow clothes. We thought about the ways in which we can keep our minds healthy and happy. We did some My Happy Mind 'Happy Breathing', we went for a gorgeous Autumn walk in the sunshine and we made a pocket pal. Our pocket pals were a litttle pocket friend which we gave to help make each other smile. We had a lovely day.
Castles in Provision Areas
We have been very busy creating 3D castles using different materials in our provision areas. Mrs. Evans is very impressed.
In science this term we have been learning about the changes in the seasons. Today we went for a beautiful Autumn walk and we learnt the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees. We then tried to spot the different trees in our woodland area. We even identified a beautiful tree called a spindle tree, it's fruit is shaped like miniature pumpkins.
Autumn Term 2 2024 ❄
Welcome to our second term. Watch this space to find out more about our learning this term.....
Diwali Day
Today we celebrated Diwali, the festival of light. We did some dancing and made beautiful Rangoli pattern plates.
Remember, Remember the 5th of November!
We had a wonderful time creating bonfire night pictures using natural materials in our school woodland. Look at our fantastic pictures....
Anti Bullying Week 2024
Cherry class have enjoyed a busy week taking part in lots of different activities linked to our anti-bullying week. On Monday we spent time thinking about others during Remembrance day, on Tuesday we wore odd socks and celebrated our differences and how we are all unique, on Wednesday we tried really hard to be extra kind to each other during World Kindness day and on Friday some of us wore our Pudsey ears to take part in Children in Need day.
Christmas Panto fun on Christmas jumper day
We all looked very festive in our Christmas jumpers and enjoyed watching a brilliant online pantomime called 'Santa's Panto'.
Science Winter fun
Today we looked at the length and shape of our shadows in the Winter sun. We tested how to make our shadows longer and shorter on the all weather pitch.
Our trip to The Boo
Today we had a lovely afternoon visiting The Horse and Bamboo theatre in Waterfoot. We watched a really fun show called 'A Monster Christmas'. In the show we met a yeti, went on an amazing boat ride to visit the yeti's friend Nessy and finally we played pass the parcel and sang a Christmas song in the yeti's home. After that, we enjoyed decorating our own yeti's in the craft session. Mrs. Evans was very proud of our manners and behaviour.
Christmas Party Day!
Today we sang beautifully in our Key Stage 1 performance and we all enjoyed having lots of fun at our party. We made our own party hats, we played games and ate some lovely party food. We even saw, on the school camera, that Father Christmas's reindeer had sneeked into our class whilst we were at the party!
Welcome to the Spring term in Cherry class. This term will be full of more fun and excitement as we begin our new topic all about Explorers. We will be learning all about a famous astronaut and later about the first ever female pilot in our History lessons. In science we are learning about humans and what we need to do to keep fit. In art we are going to learn about 'POP' art and in ICT we will learn about digital writing. Keep your eye on our class page to find out more about the things we do......
Here is a link to our homework grid for this term. We can earn lots of extra raffle tickets and house points for completing different activities and Mrs. Evans especially loves seeing our photographs and models. Please email any photographs to the school office, or your child can bring a copy to show us in class.
Thank you and Have Fun!
A Snowy First week Back!
We had lots of fun playing in the snow this week. We even spotted amazing footprints from the animals in our school woodland.
Our Classroom space station
We are loving being space explorers in our class space station. Some of us have also shown perseverence whilst completing a tricky space jigsaw.
Today everyone looked absolutely amazing!! We were dressed as Numbots or TT Rockstars. We started the day with a number themed assembly, then we had fun in the photobooth. We also got fun tatoos which helped us to raise money for the NSPCC. We played maths games, sang number songs and even had a number scavenger hunt on the playground. We had a great day!