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Welcome to our class of Year 5 and Year 6 children.


Class Teachers

Monday, Tuesday and Friday Mrs Morgan

Wednesday and Thursday Mrs Thornley

Teaching Assistant: Miss Gooding


Homework is handed out on a WEDNESDAY and returned on a MONDAY.  Weekly homework consists of:

Year 5:

Spelling - this will be completed on Spelling Shed.

Mathematics - this will be tasks set on Sumdog.

Reading -  4 x 15 minutes per week.  

TimeTables Rockstars

Year 6:

Spelling - this will be completed on Spelling Shed.

Grammar - completed on SPaG.com 

Mathematics - practice papers. 

Reading -  4 x 15 minutes per week.  

TimeTables Rockstars

To support our UKS2 children in taking ownership of their homework and to ensure they have the resources or support to complete it; there is a Thursday lunchtime homework club (where children can choose or are directed to attend).

Topic Homework:

Each half term, a grid is sent out within each key stage which links with the topic, their learning and our school value focus for the following half term. Within each key stage the pupils are recommended to complete a number of their chosen activities and each completed activity is rewarded with dojo points.  At the end of the half term all classes showcase this homework to share and celebrate the children’s hard work and efforts. These homework grids will be available on our website in the 'Children' section or click the link below.

Home Readers:

Children are asked to read a minimum of 4 times per week for at least 15 minutes.  We ask that the children's reading records are signed and handed in on a daily basis to be stamped and dojo points given out.  Children who complete this will earn a special treat.


Our PE days vary during the year depending on which days we have a PE coach in so make sure you wear your active uniform everyday! Long hair should be tied back and earings should be removed or taped.

Spring 1:  Indoor PE Tue,  Outdoor PE Wed or Thur


Reading books and diaries should go home each day and be returned the following morning.  Please put your reading diary on Miss Gooding's desk in the morning if you have read.

Phones should be switched off on entering the school grounds and go in a named envelope in our phone tray.

Packed lunches go on the packed lunch trolley and water bottles live in your table tidy on your table.


Reading:  Children who have read 4 times or more are entered into Miss Gooding's special raffle for a prize.  The class that has the highest total number of reads wins the special playtime box full of exciting games to play at break time.  

Dojo points are given for all sorts of things - reading quizzes, homework, spelling tests, good work, kind behaviour, excellent manners... the list is very long.  Each week the highest scoring individual is our class dojo champion.

Each week one child is chosen as our book winner for effort in class and home reading. The prize is a book!

Special certificates are awarded each week for either maths or English in our whole school Celebration Assembly.

TT Rockstar certificates are awarded when a knew rock status is achieved.



Last week the Year 5 and 6 children took part in Bikeability.  Despite the rain they all had a great time practising their cycling skills on the playground and out on the roads.  


Autumn 2 has got off to a busy start celebrating Diwali where we looked at Rangoli patterns and enjoyed making a Chrysanthemum garland to decorate our classroom.  We marked Remembrance Day with a special UKS2 assembly and listened to the classis poem 'In Flanders Fields' by John McRae.  This week marks anti-bullying week and on Tuesday we wore odd socks to represent valuing differences and learnt about the 2024 theme of 'Respect'.  We created a wall of kindness and kindness fortune tellers to encourage us to carry out daily acts of kindness.


Spring 1

After a rather snowy start, we have hit the ground running and are enjoying our new literacy theme of Science Fiction and our Science theme of Earth and Space.  We made the most of a dry sunny day today to explore how far apart the planets are using scaling and to act out how the planets orbit the Sun.


Number Day

Birch Class had a great day celebrating number day with a maths quiz, photo opportunities, tattoos and other maths activities.  There was also a chance to sing and dance to our favourite rock songs. Check out our photos below...