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Adults in Cedar Class:

Class Teacher: Mrs Read

Teaching Assistants: Mrs King & Mrs Burkey

Home learning:

Homework is handed out on a WEDNESDAY and returned on a MONDAY.  Weekly homework consists of:

Year 5:

Spelling - this will be completed on Spelling Shed.

Mathematics - this will be tasks set on Sumdog.

Reading -  4 x 15 minutes per week.  

TimeTables Rockstars

Year 6:

Spelling - this will be completed on Spelling Shed.

Mathematics - this will be tasks set on Sumdog. 

Reading -  4 x 15 minutes per week.  

TimeTables Rockstars

To support our UKS2 children in taking ownership of their homework and to ensure they have the resources or support to complete it; there is a Thursday lunchtime homework club (where children can choose or are directed to attend).

Topic Homework:

Each half term, a grid is sent out within each key stage which links with the topic, their learning and our school value focus for the following half term. Within each key stage the pupils are recommended to complete a number of their chosen activities and each completed activity is rewarded with dojo points.  At the end of the half term all classes showcase this homework to share and celebrate the children’s hard work and efforts. These homework grids will be available on our website in the 'Children' section or click the link below.

Home Readers:

Children are asked to read a minimum of 4 times per week for at least 15 minutes.  We ask that the children's reading records are signed and handed in on a daily basis to be stamped and dojo points given out.  Children who complete this will earn a special treat.


Our PE days are Monday and Friday. Please ensure that children are in their active uniform on these days, with long hair tied back and earings taped or removed. Children may also need a coat for any wet weather.



Take your reading folder home each evening and return it to school the following day. Reading books are stored in the basket by the door.  If you need to do a reading quiz, use the chromebooks in the classroom.  

We come into school quietly and calmly and get on with our morning task which is often spelling, times tables or fix-its from our previous days learning.

Spellings are on a Monday.

Always be prepared for the weather!


We have lots of rewards. 

Reading - children who have read 4 or more times each week at home will choose a cushion to sit on in class.  

Each week one child is chosen as our book winner. This child gets to choose a new book. This award is for effort with reading at home or at school.

Each week we have a house point champion.

Special certificates are also awarded in a Friday assembly for our class superstars!

Anti-Bulling week 2024

What a lovely week we have had reminding the children about treating each other with respect and showing kindness to all.  Take a look at some of the photos below showing what we got up to.  This included making a kindness wall and a kindness fortune teller.  We have used the fortune teller each day to help us choose an act of kindness that we would carry out for the whole day.  

Hello Yellow - World Mental Health Day

Our children certainly 'Wore it loud and proud!' this Thursday to support World Mental Health Day and our chosen charity Young Minds. The day was kicked off with a special assembly, discussing ways we can improve our mental health, how trusted adults are a great support and what work the charity does to support young people and their mental health.  To help support the charity, Cedar class had a go at doodling with the 'The Doodle Boy'.  Here is what some of them produced.

Black History Month

In the UK, Black History Month happens every October. It provides an opportunity for people to understand, share and celebrate the history of Black heritage and culture and its impact today.  During the live assembly, the children listened to Françoise Adele Macaly's (radio DJ and presenter) story of her life and how her life may differ from other peoples.  From this, the children carried out an activity to let their peers know something about them that they thought they might not know.  Cedar class discovered lots about each other that day.

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