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Welcome! We are a class of mixed Year 5 and 6 children!  Here we are on our first day of term! Read below for important information and regular updates about what we've been up to!



Our teacher is Mrs Holt and our TA is Mrs Chan. Miss Gooding teaches us on Monday and Friday afternoons.


Homework is set every Wednesday to be completed by Monday morning. Most weeks our Maths homework will be set on the website sumdog and our spellings are on the EdShed website but occassionally our homework may be set on paper instead. We are also encouarged to play TT Rockstars as often as possible and we give out the certificates on a Friday morning for anyone who has improved their rockstar status! Please also try to read at home as often as possible. 


PE days for Spring 1 are a Tuesday for indoor PE and Wednesday for outdoor PE. Please make sure you are wearing your active uniform on these days. 

Waterfoot badge scheme

Our Waterfoot School badge scheme continues to thrive and your children are welcome to complete badges whenever they wish! Children can select paper copies of their chosen badge or you can view them here:-

Waterfoot Primary School - Badge scheme (secure-dbprimary.com)


Please make sure you check our weekly newsletter for updates and important information! 

Many of Maple Class attend lots of after school activities. Please check the newsletter for times and information regarding the after school clubs and any competitions we are involved in that week!

If your child walks themselves to and/or from school they can bring their mobile phone to school so that they have it to hand when walking alone. We ask that children turn off their mobiile phone before they enter the school grounds then the phone is stored safely in Mrs Holt's drawer for the day. Please do not allow your child to bring their phone if they are not walking themselves to school. 


Mrs Holt loves to give out to leaves to reward and thank children for their wonderful attitudes and behaviour. She loves to see the class demonstrating a 'growth mindset' and applying our values of responsibility, respect, kindness, confidence, perseverence and resilience! 

Every Monday morning we look to see who has read at least 4 times in the last week. These children get to have a cushion on their chairs for the week! 

Fridays are whole school assembly reward days where our teachers choose either a Mathemagician or an English star for the week and superstar. Our winners are announced on the weekly newsletter! We also announce the weekly house champion each Friday!

Spring 1 update!

Maple Class have been super busy this half term! Our learning has revolved around the scientific theme 'space' which we have all really enjoyed! At the start of term, we used the heavy snow to make our own planets out of snowballs and attempted making a scaled down version of the solar system - reducing each distance from the sun 50 million times! Despite this scaling, we still ran out of space to place Uranus and Neptune in, making us realise just how far from the sun they are! More recently, the children have enjoyed making the different phases of the moon using oreo biscuits! On January 17th, we had our number day where everyone (who wasn't out at the football county finals) had great fun dressing up as rockstars and engaging in fun maths games! We have also been using our super communication skills to work as a team when building shelters in our outdoor area! Finally, a massive thank you to all the parents and children who have been completing the half-termly topic homework grid activities! Our window is full of the activities children have been doing and there are a few photos included here of some of the homework projects that have been completed!

It's Christmas!

We hope all our UKS2 families loved our Christmas performance and enjoyed playing the fair games with the children! That afternoon we continued our celebrations at our Christmas party! Take a look at our photos!

It's the end of our autumn term!

As we approach the end of our 2nd half of the Autumn term we have been finishing off our learning in all our subjects which has involved lots of fun, hands-on activities! Our final topic lessons about the world's natural resources finished off with a bit of fieldwork around our school and on Wolfenden Green where the children were able to idenifity many natural resources that have been used in the construction of the school, houses, garages, signs and lampposts etc!  Our food topic concluded with the children cooking their own samosas and in science we have finsihed with recognising how different materials had different properties which were useful in making different everyday items! The children have loved using 'blooket' to practise and continue to retrieve the learning from the start of the topics so that they don't forget any of their super learning! Now to prepare for Christmas parties, fair and show!

Autumn 2 update!

We are now 3 weeks into our Autumn 2 half term and have done so much already! This half term, the children are loving their learning about how to program a microbit! We are learning that we can press different buttons on the microbit to make it display different words or pictures or we can shake it to make it display words or pictures!

Our Science this half term is about changes in materials - disolving, evaportating and separating materials so far which has involved us taking part in different scientific enquiry tests to see what happens! 

PE this half term is hockey and -Mrs Holt's favourite.. - Netball! Paul, the sports coach has been helping us with our hockey skills and we are all enjoying honing our amazing netball skills even further!

Our geography work is all about the weather, climate and biomes! This is leading us into learning about climate change too. 

Anti-bullying week

Anti-bullying week included odd-socks day! We wrote kind messages to each other, which can be viewed in our classroom window (and seen in the photo gallery above, right!) We also took part in the BBC online live lesson about how to solve problems in the correct manner and behaving appropriately. As part of our school creative picture competition, we made the word respect with our bodies, wearing our odd socks.

English - Oliver twist

The first three weeks of this half term have focussed on books set in historical settings. Our lessons have been about Oliver Twist and in guided reading, we are reading 'Street Child.' The children have been writing their own versions of Oliver Twist last week and I have been very impressed with their creative writing and punctuation of speech!

Autumn 1 update!

Our art and ICT learning has been about 3D art which has been linked to our learning about Vertebrates & Invertebrates in Science! The class have designed their creations then made them from clay in art. In ICT we have been learning to use 'Tinkercad' which is a 3D modelling program which can then be used with a 3D printer! So far, the children have created their own name badges on Tinkercad. See these photos of the ones we have created!

Our return to school in September!

We welcomed our Year 6s back to school ready for another year in Maple Class and welcomed our new Year 5s to the class! On our first day back we played a game of 'getting to know you bingo' where the children had to go around the class finding a person who had 2 brothers, a person whose favourite subject is maths etc. This half term we have been doing gymnastics in PE where we have been working in pair to form counter balances and counter tension balances! In outdoor PE we have been reading maps following courses in our orienteering lessons and in art and ICT we have been 3D modelling! 
