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Hawthorn Class

PE Days

Monday:  PE



Children to wear PE uniform to school on these days.


Uniform can be found here: https://www.waterfoot.lancs.sch.uk/uniform-information/

Home reading: 

Children will bring their home reading book home every night. Please ensure they bring their home reading book back to school everyday!

When they have read at home, please sign their diary so that they earn a reading raffle ticket. More reading can win pupils a prize in our raffle draw each week!

As a class we also work as a team, reading at home, to earn the home reading playtime reward box!

Please aim to read 4 times per week AS THIS CAN EARN YOU EXTRA PLAYTIME!



Homework is set on a Wednesday and should be completed by the following Monday. We have maths and spelling homework each week. We also send our themed topic homework out, each half term and it is also available on the school website in the Children's section.

Our Maths homework is set on Sumdog each week. These are tasks to revise and consolidate our maths learning in school.

Our spelling homework is set on 'Spelling Shed' where they can complete various activities in order to practice their weekly spellings. There will be a spelling quiz each Monday to consolidate their learning. 

Times tables: 

We encourage and reward everyone for practising their times tables as much as they can. These are such crucial building blocks in Yr3/4. We have the amazing online platform, TT Rockstars to practise times tables. The times tables in the 'Garage Band' are set specifically for each child, so they should not be too easy or too hard!






Look back at some of the exciting things we did last academic year!

School Trip to Manchester Museum  21/06/24

What a fantastic day looking at all the amazing artefacts and some real life animals! See if you can spot them.  

Take a look at some of our favourites.Image result for manchester museum images egyptian Image result for manchester museum images egyptian


Image result for manchester museum images egyptian

Image result for manchester museum animal   images

Image result for manchester museum T Rex imagesImage result for manchester museum animal images




World Book Day 2024


World Book Day - We enjoyed coming to school in our PJ'S and taking part in lots of book themed activities!



World Mental Health Day

We have been exploring how we can look after our mental health this morning. We know that looking after our mental health is just as important as looking after our physical health. We have had lots of discussions on how we can manage our feelings and how we can relax our brains! 

Take a look at some of our yoga poses from this morning! Yoga help us to relax our mind and bodies - we can use these poses at home and at school! 

Inter Faith Week - A visit from a Buddhist Faith Friend

As part of 'Inter Faith Week' and 'Anti Bullying Week', a Buddhist visitor came to school. We listened to stories and did some meditating! 

Anti Bullying Week

Check out our photo of us wearing our odd socks! This week we have been discussing how we can 'Make a Noise' about bullying and the class have made some super posters with great advice. We have also taken part in 'Positive Noticing Day'. We hope you have enjoyed reading all the positive things that are being noticed about everyone in Hawthorn class!


What an amazing day! 

A real live Viking came to school. He was a little bit frightening but very funny. We played games, dressed up, listened to stories and did lots of drama work. 
