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WELCOME TO Elm CLASS 2024 - 2025

Class Info

We are a class of year 1 and 2 children. Our class teacher is Mrs. Ginty and our teaching assistants are Mrs. White, Miss Suleman and Mrs Shah..

Monday: This is Elm Class award day. We have our superstar of the week award where we receive a medal to wear and all our our friends say why why are a superstar. This is displayed on our door window. We also have our reading raffle, Numbots awards and Housepoint champion winner!

P.E Days 

Monday: Outdoor (Please ensure that your child has warm clothes to wear for PE during colder weather)

Thursday: Indoor 

Please make sure your child comes to school wearing their active uniform on our PE days.  Refer to the Uniform Policy if you are unsure.

Please make sure that all of your child's belongings are clearly labelled.

Topic Homework:

Each half term, a topic homework grid is sent out within each key stage. Please support your child by helping them complete some of the fun activities. They can bring in photographs or models to school to show us in class. All children will be awarded with house points and raffle tickets. 

Topic homework sheet for Autumn term coming soon!!

Weekly Homework:

Lots of our weekly homework will need to be completed online. We will support children who are unable to access this at home. Your child will have a copy of their login details in the front of their reading diary. Over the first few weeks of term, we will teach your children how to login and direct them to the correct homework for the week. Please bear with us whilst we sort all the logins!!   If you are unsure about any of these please let us know. 


Please support your child by helping them to bring their reading book and diary every single day. Your child puts their reading book and diary in our reading box so that we can change them on a Monday and a Friday.

Your child will also have a 'Reading Trail' in the front of their diary. Certificates and rewards are given for completed reading trails. 

Every time your child reads at home they will be awarded with raffle tickets and entered into our weekly raffle prize draw!

Tuesday: ICT Room

Friday: Certificate Assembly - Superstar Award, English or Maths Award.

Toys in Space

Mr Mathias told us there was a strange creature in our woodlands and asked if we could investigate..... We were very excited! We discovered a strange creature that was lost. It had a message on it saying it had lost it's friend. We also found an envelope with a book in it called 'Toys in Space'. 


This afternoon we investigated different types of materials according to their properties. We sorted them into different groups using vocabulary such as rigid, bendy, shiny, smooth etc. Good job everyone!

World Mental Health Day

Today we talked about our mental health and how it is so important to look after ourselves. We talked about what we enjoy doing and how that makes us feel. We read a story about making friends and being kind to one another. We enjoyed cosmic yoga, mindfulness colouring and lots of fresh air in our P.E session. We also practised our happy breathing whilst listening to relaxing music. Well done everyone! 

Signs of Autumn

Today we went in our woodlands to look for signs of Autumn. We found lots of autumn treasures including hazlenuts, acorns, different coloured leaves and mossy twigs. It was a beautiful afternoon and even a butterfly decided to join us!

Autumn term 2 KS1 Homework Activities

Here is a copy of the Autumn term 2 homework activities. Please have a go at some or all of the activities.

A2 Homework 2023


Elm Class have been learning about the famous artist L.S.Lowry. Take a look at our fabulous work!

Measuring in Y2

Year 2 have been very busy measuring the mass of different objects using weights and balances. Brilliant work everyone!

Spooky skeletons!

We were very excited to make skeletons on the 31st of October!

The Three little wolves...

We found a very strange set up outside of school this morning.... There were three wolves, a china tea pot, dynamite, a builders hat, some bricks and a strange looking pig! Autumn said she thinks the wolves need to be looked after. Elliot said that he thinks the wolves are building a house! We took the wolves inside and there waiting for us was a new story - 'The three little wolves and the big bad pig'. We can't wait to read it as part of our English work. 

Eric time

We are so proud of Elm Class children this week. They have shown such concentration and enthusiasm during our reading sessions. We used the whispaphones and our magic reading glasses! (They help us read better) . Well done and keep it up Elmers!

Odd socks Day


KS1 Sports Event at Valley Academy

Some of the children from KS1 went to Valley Academy to represent our school in a sports event. It was great fun and the children made everyone very proud.

Science stem challenge

In science we designed and made houses for the Three Little Pigs to keep them safe from the Big Bad Wolf.  We could choose to make our house from materials such as Lego bricks, sticks,straws, playdough and cardboard   We worked in pairs to design our houses and made sure the pig would fit inside. Afetr we had built them,  we used a hairdryer to test their strength!  Well done Elm class, your houses were amazing!

The Boo Theatre Trip

Today we walked down to our local theatre 'The Boo' and got the chance to be part of the show 'The squirrel, the cake and the cabinet'. We met a man called Adam who was lost in the snow, stroked a squirrel who liked marzipan cake and got to make our own community out of land and houses! We even got to make our own houses afterwards too. We had so much fun!!!

Christmas Dinner!

Christmas party Day!

This morninbg we performed our Christmas assembly to our grown ups. We were so well behaved and sang beautifully! I think thry enjoyed it! This afternoon was our KS1 Christmas party6. We had so much fun! It's the most wonderful time of the year! 

Spring 1 2024

This term our topic in key stage 1 is 'Fire Fire!. We will learn about the role of a firefighter and write chronological reports about them. In Geography we will be learning about our capital city of London. In science, we will be learning about the human body and how to keep fit and healthy. We will learn about the Austrian artist Hundertwasser and create own own masterpieces! Please find the link below to this half term's homework. 

Firefigfhters Visit!


This morning we were visited by our wonderful Rawtenstall firefighters! They came to talk to us about their very important jobs and what different things they have to do each day. Mrs Gioramelli put on all their specialist uniform and we learnt how they keep safe from the fires. We even got to look inside the fire engine! We wrote some fantastic recounts about their visit. Thank you firefighter Horrocks and firefighter Bennet! 

Spring 1 2024

This term our topic in key stage 1 is 'Fire Fire!. We will learn about the role of a firefighter and write chronological reports about them. In Geography we will be learning about our capital city of London. In science, we will be learning about the human body and how to keep fit and healthy. We will learn about the Austrian artist Hundertwasser and create own own masterpieces! Please find the link below to this half term's homework. 

Firefigfhters Visit!


This morning we were visited by our wonderful Rawtenstall firefighters! They came to talk to us about their very important jobs and what different things they have to do each day. Mrs Gioramelli put on all their specialist uniform and we learnt how they keep safe from the fires. We even got to look inside the fire engine! We wrote some fantastic recounts about their visit. Thank you firefighter Horrocks and firefighter Bennet! 

Spring 1 2024

This term our topic in key stage 1 is 'Fire Fire!. We will learn about the role of a firefighter and write chronological reports about them. In Geography we will be learning about our capital city of London. In science, we will be learning about the human body and how to keep fit and healthy. We will learn about the Austrian artist Hundertwasser and create own own masterpieces! Please find the link below to this half term's homework. 

Firefigfhters Visit!


This morning we were visited by our wonderful Rawtenstall firefighters! They came to talk to us about their very important jobs and what different things they have to do each day. Mrs Gioramelli put on all their specialist uniform and we learnt how they keep safe from the fires. We even got to look inside the fire engine! We wrote some fantastic recounts about their visit. Thank you firefighter Horrocks and firefighter Bennet! 

NSPCC Number day

2-2-24  Today we came to school dressed in clothes with numbers on to support the charity NSPCC on their campaign 'Speak out stay safe'. First we had to find hidden numbers outside in our school grounds and colour in our 100 squares. In maths we played fun number games together; we really enjoyed the bingo game! We designed a number t-shirt and danced to some fun number songs. What a lovely day! 

Spring 2

20-2-24 Mardi Gras

Today we celebrated the festival 'Mard Gras'. We learnt why it is celebrated around the world and what they do on this special day. We made our own masks and learnt to dance the samba! We had lots of fun! 

World Book Day

Today we celebrated our love of books and came to school in our comfy pyjamas. We also brought our teddies and favourite books to share with our friends. Mrs Rawcliffe and Angela came to read us a story. Angela has wriiten her own book 'The Lost Dog' and it was lovely to hear it told by the author! In the afternoon we made cosy beds for our chosen characters on lollisticks. 

The Great Fire of London workshop

Today we had a Great Fire of London workshop come to visit us. The lovely lady was very impressed with our knowledge in the question and answer session. We went outside and experimented making wattle and daub walls with sticks, sand and mud. We got a little dirty!! We came inside as it was raining heavily and made a bakery with different materials. Thomas Farrinor was the 'pebble' and we had to keep him dry by putting a roof over him. We had such a great morning!

Signs of Spring

As part of our ongoing science work, Elm class went of a spring walk to look for signs that spring is here! We found lots of buds on trees, tulips, daffodils, catkins and lots of bird song too. 

Building bridges

Making plant pictures


World Environment Day - Elm class went litter picking!

Swimming at school!

Punch and Judy Show

Seaside at school