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Beech Class

Viking Day - 28.9.23

Today we were visited by a Viking!

The day began with an invasion in the classroom before being shown viking weapons, armour and clothes. We also learnt about viking gods, stories, games and ended with a traditional viking funeral.

World Mental Health Day - 10.10.23

As part of World Mental Health, the class created a rainbow of emotions. Here are some examples of how we look on the outside but may feel on the inside.

Screenshot 2023-10-13 163617

Design Technology

Here are just a few of the lamps that Beech class made using recycled materials and by creating a working circuit to fit inside, so that their lamps could shine.

Martial Arts Taster Session - 6.11.23

Beech class had a taster session where we played some movement-based games and demonstrated our jumping kicks

Odd Socks day - 13.11.23

Today, Beech class celebrated diversity, and shared our thoughts and learned about how to stop bullying.

Positive noticing day - 15.11.23

Today, we spent a bit of time noticing something positive about each other.


As part of 'Inter Faith Week' and 'Anti Bullying Week', a Buddhist visitor came to school. We listened to stories and did some meditating!


Happy body, happy mind

Today, Beech Class spent some time being active. Children used different appartus and showed resilience, as well as kindess, consideration and sharing with others.


Stone age paintings 8.1.24

Today, Beech Class created some artwork using what they could find in nature (mud, grass, charcoal etc.) inspired by stone age cave paintings, ready to start reading our new book: Stone Age Boy. 

Mardi Gras 20.2.24

Since we were not in school for Mardi Gras (Pancake day) 13.2.24, we had our own the following Tuesday. We learned about Mardi Gras with activities, masks, music and dancing.


We had a wonderful time at the Manchester museum on our school trip! The dinosaurs and fossils were amazing and the live reptiles in the vivarium were fascinating! We also enjoyed the Ancient Egyptian exhibition, where we saw a real mummy and her coffin named Asru! She was nearly 3000 years old!